Welcome to Wings of Infinity!

I work with science fiction fans and writers to create effective lives that contribute to the spacefaring communities of tomorrow.

Science fiction has created many visions of the future. To create the best of those visions, each of us who cares has a part to play. When we live from our centers and in the light of inspiration, we advance our civilization.

Think of it as a game — the most exciting, demanding, and rewarding game our species has ever undertaken. The goal is to leave the nest of Earth and fly. This game will take many players, each adding their part to the whole, to win. I serve as a coach to help individual players excel in their spot on the team.

To those who want to play, I offer sample sessions. We talk and explore what part you want to play, and how I could support you in best playing it. There is no obligation. At the end of the call, you decide whether you wish to continue.

For more information, or to schedule a sample session, please contact me. My email address is anna@annaparadox.com and my phone number is 505-640-0979. I would enjoy helping you optimize your life game.