What If Everything Was OK?

What if everything was ok?

When I was an exchange student, my host sister and I had a long
discussion about whether it was better to be content or ambitious.
I took the content position, figuring that no matter what you did,
if you couldn’t feel good about it, it wouldn’t be worth it. She
took the ambitious position, arguing that only ambitious people
achieve grand ends and that the world would be in bad shape if
everyone just sat back and enjoyed themselves.

As years went on, I played both sides of the question. Sometimes I
would savor what I had, and sometimes I would hustle to get
something done. Other people took one side or another, too. It
seemed to be one of the classic dichotomies.

And then, when I was taking the Life Principles Integration Process
course, I heard Bill Harris say something remarkable. He said to
let everything be ok, and doing things will be easier.

What a startling concept! Could being content and being ambitious
actually work together? Might they be a paradox instead of a

Being a Paradox myself, I had to try it. It does take a little
sleight of mind to reach the place where you want something, and
you’ll be ok whether it happens or not. When
I achieved that mental state, it was easier to reach my goals! How
odd! The craving and suffering actually slowed me down. The
discontent hampered me much more than it motivated me.

Now, I’m not saying I always manage to let everything be ok. Just
this last weekend, I let myself get significantly moody over
something that wasn’t that important. Did unhappiness help me get
more done? Nope. Just the opposite. I moped around and my
productivity took a hit.

“Being discontent pushes people to get more done” turns out to be
untrue. It took me forty years to find that out. Since then, I
have learned tools – in my life coaching training and elsewhere –
that help illuminate and root out untrue thoughts. Last weekend,
after I realized that I was believing an untrue thought, I took my
tools to it. Then I felt better –and I started to get more done.

Could you be thinking that two things are opposite when they are
actually harmonious? Could you be believing something that isn’t
true? How much more effective could you be if you were working
with reality instead of against it? How much happier?

If this approach intrigues you, give me a call. I have my tools
all polished. I just needed them myself.

Book Recommendation

Chanur Saga and Chanur’s Endgame, by C. J. Cherryh

C. J. Cherryh is a reliable provider of novels of politics and life
in space. This series, orginally published as five volumes, and
now collected in two, is one of her most light-hearted. When the
cat-like Hani crew of The Pride of Chanur hide a human refugee, it
shakes up the entire balance of the multispecies trading region.
When intelligent felines and humans can come to understand each
other, you know everything will be ok. A fun ride.


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Anna Paradox is a life coach who speaks science fiction. Her
clients invest in themselves to achieve their dreams. If you’d
like to join them, call me at 505-640-0979. Or email me at

Creating Space is her twice-monthly newsletter with tips, insights,
and a book recommendation for science fiction fans and space
activists. You can subscribe at www.annaparadox.com/newsletter,
and read back issues there, too.

Wings of Infinity, 2100 Thomas Dr, Las Cruces, NM 88001, USA